SNAP Review – Circus Flohcati

Circus Flohcati

I was surprised and impressed at how simple this game was while being simultaneously incredibly fun to play. This is the kind of game that you lose and then it’s pretty easy to convince yourself you can win the next go ’round.

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SNAP Review – Sheep in Disguise

Sheep in Disguise is a light family game with just a little bit of take-that. We did have some hurt feelings when players would “expose” another player’s sheep, which meant they were abducted when an attack card was played – but the game is light and moves quickly enough that we could pretty much get past that.

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Toil & Troublez – A Magical Game for the Whole Family

Box cover and display of cards

Toil & Troublez brings a touch of magic to the table! This whimsical game keeps players engaged as they anticipate each draw and carefully place cards in hopes of getting the Talisman they need.

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