SNAP Review – Sheep in Disguise

Sheep in Disguise is a light family game with just a little bit of take-that. We did have some hurt feelings when players would “expose” another player’s sheep, which meant they were abducted when an attack card was played – but the game is light and moves quickly enough that we could pretty much get past that.

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Harvest Hoppers – A Holiday in Greenbranch

Harvest Hoppers game

Harvest Hoppers is Snowbright Studio’s new “cute but cutthroat” board game, delivering heartwarming fun for 2 to 6 players over 30 to 60 minutes. This strategy game with area control components comes with dozens of produce tokens, uniquely configured neighborhood maps, and a heapin’ handful of adorable Hoptop bicycle delivery antics.

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Prehistories Evolutions – A Welcome Expansion

Prehistories Evolutions box cover

When I originally reviewed Prehistories, I noted it was very family friendly and would appeal to folks who enjoy tile placement games. This is still true, but I enjoyed it even more with the addition of the Evolution modules!

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Miller Zoo – Beginner Zookeepers

Miller Zoo

Miller Zoo is a great introduction to cooperative resource-management games and legacy games. The challenges will encourage players to try new strategies, while tempting them with more stickers to show their progress.

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