Disney Villainous – Introduction to Evil

Disney Villainous: Introduction to Evil and Filled with Fright

We jumped at the opportunity to review Disney Villainous and we weren’t disappointed. The mechanics of the gameplay are simple enough that it can be played by a ten-year-old, but there’s enough strategy here that experienced board gamers won’t just be moving pieces around and playing out the string.

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Harvest Hoppers – A Holiday in Greenbranch

Harvest Hoppers game

Harvest Hoppers is Snowbright Studio’s new “cute but cutthroat” board game, delivering heartwarming fun for 2 to 6 players over 30 to 60 minutes. This strategy game with area control components comes with dozens of produce tokens, uniquely configured neighborhood maps, and a heapin’ handful of adorable Hoptop bicycle delivery antics.

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