Disney Villainous – Introduction to Evil

Disney Villainous: Introduction to Evil and Filled with Fright

We jumped at the opportunity to review Disney Villainous and we weren’t disappointed. The mechanics of the gameplay are simple enough that it can be played by a ten-year-old, but there’s enough strategy here that experienced board gamers won’t just be moving pieces around and playing out the string.

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ArcheOlogic – Deductive Cartography


Mapping a hidden city full of traps is the theme of ArcheOlogic, a new logic and deduction game from Ludonaute. ArcheOlogic is a deduction and polyomino placement game for 1-4 players ages 12 and up. A game should take a little under an hour. Setup In ArcheOlogic, players race to determine the correct placement of six buildings (represented by polyominos)

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