SNAP Review – Carpool Karaoke: Sing your Heart Out!
I… I’m hooked on a feelin’
I’m high on believin’
That you’re in love with me!
There’s something fun about karaoke! So many people get nervous getting started, but once you’re into it, everyone wants to join in. That’s the premise behind the Carpool Karaoke Game, based on the skit of the same name from James Corden’s The Late Late Show on CBS. Carpool Karaoke Game is published by Big G Creative and supports three or more players ages 12 and up. A game lasts around 30-45 minutes.

How to Play
Each player or team represents a city: LA, New York, Sydney, or London. Your goal is to be the first player (or team) to raise your “point-ometer” to 20 points.

On your turn, spin the spinner and take a Challenge card. If the spinner lands on Sing It, Work It, or Guess It, read the Challenge out loud and choose a player on another team to duel. Both players perform the Challenge, and the other team(s) judge the winner. The winner scores the appropriate number of points and play passes clockwise.
Each team also gets one Share It token per game. At any time that team can discard their token to challenge one of the performing players to share their performance on social media. If they do, they get three points. Use the tag #CarpoolKaraokeGame to get in on the fun!
Let’s talk about the challenges! Each card contains Sing It, Work It, and Guess It challenges.
Sing It
Pick a song (any song!) and sing it in the style on the Challenge card! The winner gets four points.
Work It
Pick a song and sing it while performing the theatrics on the Challenge. The winner gets three points.

Guess It
No song here! There’s a trivia question on the card. One of the judges reads the question and the first player in the duel to answer it correctly gets two points.
Note: Any time a player doesn’t feel like singing, they can choose the “Guess it” challenge.
Rock It
Let’s be honest, you’re here with your friends! When the spinner lands on “Rock It”, everyone sings together, in the true spirit of karaoke. Then give each player one point.

The Carpool Karaoke Game is a fun, simple party game. It’s better than other singing/karaoke games we’ve seen because it has a lot of flexibility. It’s even possible to skew the game younger by using only children’s songs (or songs your kids know), but there is still some domain knowledge needed to keep the game from getting stale quickly.
The flexibility of the game is great, though. With so many kind of challenges and questions, it runs the gamut of thoughtfulness and hilarity. You can even play the game in the car – the central board is well designed and doesn’t need to be flat to work. The rest of the game is singing!
We had a lot of success with everyone using their own smart devices for lyrics and everyone using an Amazon Echo for the music.
Ultimately, playing games is about having fun, and if you like to sing, you’ll have fun with the Carpool Karaoke Game. But you’d probably also like just singing together without the game, too.
But for under $20, it’s hard to go wrong. Check out Carpool Karaoke Game on Amazon or at Target today!
Hey now, you’re an All-Star, get your game on, go play!
Hey now, you’re a Rock Star, get the show on, get paid!
All that glitters is gold,
Only shooting stars break the mold….
We give Carpool Karaoke Game 2½ microphones out of 5. It’s fun, but at it’s core, it’s just karaoke.

The Family Gamers received a copy of Carpool Karaoke Game from Big G Creative for this review.
SNAP review music is Avalanche, provided courtesy of You Bred Raptors?
Carpool Karaoke Game
Number of Players: 3+
Age Range: 12+
Playtime: 30-45 minutes
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