Episode 391 – Room to Grow: Cooperative Games

Episode 391 - Room to Grow: Cooperative Games

Following on from last week’s topic, let’s talk about cooperative games that can you can play with your children as they grow!

0:00:00 Fact for 391

The deepest hand-dug well was 391m (1285 ft) deep. It took almost 6 years to hit water! Find out more: https://www.guinnessworldrecords.com/world-records/761162-deepest-hand-dug-well

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0:05:15 What We’ve Been Playing

trio of Chip Theory Kids games: Bear in Mind, Octo Grabbo, Woodland Rush

Flamecraft (our review)
Hamster Roll (our review)
Hundred Acre Wood Fluxx (review coming soon)
Cabanga! (our review)
Runemasters (review coming soon)
Project L
Let’s Go! To Japan
Floristry (review coming soon)
Splendor Duel

0:33:30 The Family Gamers Community

We’re so glad for new members who joined us on Facebook. A sleepy puppy welcomes you!


Listeners tell us about their favorite cooperative games. See responses on Discord and Facebook.

0:43:40 SNAP Review – Landmarks

Take a look at this unusual word game of clues and guesses, and navigate a path across the island!

Read the transcript or watch the video of our review of Landmarks.

0:50:50 Room to Grow: Cooperative Games

Our goal with Room to Grow is to bring your kids – or your family – through a series of games that grow in complexity. Normally, we take a beginner game, an intermediate game, and an advanced game (and some honorable mentions). They offer a plan for growth for players to get comfortable with that mechanic, and all are family-friendly (no Dead of Winter or Frosthaven, sorry).

Why play cooperative games?

We talked a lot about this last time in episode 390.

Cooperative games encourage players to work together. And when you’re playing with very young children, there will often be an element of cooperation even if that is not how the game is intended to work.

Cooperative games are also a great way to get everyone on the same team, winning or losing TOGETHER. Even then, kids will have to wait their turn, and have opportunities to help each other!

My First Castle Panic

Beginner: My First Castle Panic

This is a tower-defense game designed for 3-5 year old children. On your turn, you choose from one of two cards to try to match a monster spot on the path up to the castle.

But you’re also allowed to ask other players for help! You have a chance to be the supporting character and help the hero.

My First Castle Panic is the most popular game to be bought through our Amazon affiliate links – by FAR.

Read our full review of My First Castle Panic.

Zombie Kidz Evolution

Intermediate: Zombie Kidz Evolution

We talked about this when we talked about room to grow legacy games. Zombie Kidz Evolution forces players to think a few steps ahead. Try to help each other defeat the zombies and cooperate to lock the school gates.

No matter how well you do, you always get at least one sticker to place in the rulebook (but if you win, you get more).

While these legacy aspects keep kids interested, they also slowly ramp up the complexity. Unlock special powers – both for the player characters and for the zombies! Additional challenges will force kids to continue to improve their cooperation.

Advanced: Disney Animated

Disney: Animated game

This game leans very hard into its theme: classic Disney animated movies.

Each player has their own movie they’re working on, but there’s a group goal, which requires every player to meet their individual goal as well: finish all the movies and defeat all the villains. This means that sometimes you will use your whole turn to support other players in meeting their goals.

Read our full review of Disney Animated. The game is still available on Amazon and in some big-box stores.

Even More: The World of Cooperative Games

From “big brother” Castle Panic to Pandemic, from Horrified to Unmatched Adventures, Marvel United, and Marvel Champions. Even The Loop and Endangered are wonderful cooperative games for your family to play.

1:07:00 New Backtalk Question

We have asked a lot about cooperative games already. So it’s time to learn about you, our listener! What’s your favorite candy or snack?

Backtalk: Favorite Candy / Snack?

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The Family Gamers is sponsored by First Move Financial. Go to FirstMoveFinancial.com/familygamers to learn how the team at First Move Financial can help you pile up the victory points.

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